Buy facebook recommendations.
1. Facebook recommendations service - how it works.
2. How to buy facebook recommendations.
3. Price line.
4. Description of the service.
5. FAQ.
1. Facebook recommendations service - how it works.
With our service you can boost the rating of your FB business page.
We help you getting a better result for online business and achieve your goals.
Being the most popular international social network, Facebook is an ideal space for promoting goods and services.
And we know how you can use the maximum opportunities that Facebook provides.
2. How to buy facebook recommendations.
1. Select quantity of FB recommendations.
2. Enter custom text.
3. Enter FB page link.
4. Click Add To Bag / Checkout.
3. Price line.
5 fb recommendations - $5
10 fb recommendations - $10
4. Description of the service.
Start: 12-48 hours.
Minimum quantity: 5 facebook recommendations.
Maximum quantity: 500 facebook recommendations.
5. FAQ
1) Is this service safe?
This service is 100% organic - orders are executed by real people from active accounts, so it is absolutely safe.